Book a reading or advising service with me!

For mediumship sessions we will work to connect with spirits, your guardian angels, and/or spirit guides to receive messages and/or downloads virtually. The session will go best if you had a personal connection with the spirit you would like to connect with during their human life. For example- Jimi Hendrix is not going to come speak to just anyone, but your late grandmother will. For guardian angels and spirit guide contacts, we can work together to access your team and any messages they would like to send to you.

Please review the FAQ and Read Me pages before booking your mediumship session.

Oracle card readings can be used to answer any burning questions you have or provide guidance from spirit. For those on the go, there is an option for readings via text. With this option I will send you a text to request your question from spirit. Once received, I will send back a picture of the card and recorded message for you to review at your convenience.

If you have a private event and would like to have a card reader email me!

For those interested in taking their healing to the next level, I offer Spiritual Advising services where we combine mediumship, card readings, energy healing and ritual into your sessions. These sessions are for people who feel that they understand their trauma, but haven’t been able to move past it in traditional therapy. In our initial session we will review where you are in your life and what your goals are. From there we will work with your guides/angels to develop a healing plan for you. Energy healing will be provided throughout the sessions to assist you on your journey. I am not your accountability coach, but there to hold your hand as you work through releasing blocks, old thought patterns and limiting self-beliefs to reach your full potential. This is a pay as you go program so please book the Initial Spiritual Advising service for your first session and the Follow-Up Spiritual Advising sessions for all subsequent visits. An outline of your healing plan after each session will be provided to you within 24 hours of your sesssion.

Each Initial Spiritual Advising Service will come with either a FREE custom spell jar or guardian angel painting. We will walk through this at your initial visit and they will be mailed within 5 business days of your session.