Terms of service.
Please review the FAQ before any purchase is made. I have a strong personal code of morals and ethics to harm none and lead with love; I would never do anything to mislead anyone with any of my products or services. If you have any questions after reviewing the FAQ please email or call me directly and I will be happy to address them. Please do keep in mind that I cannot guarantee any results. Magick is set with intention and in order for that intention to be used to it’s fullest potential the person receiving the spell must put in efforts in the physical plane to ensure success.
Clients must be 18 years or older for readings and spiritual development sessions. I am not liable for any information shared during sessions nor how the information is actioned, understood, or otherwise. I refuse the right of service to anyone being disruptive during the session. You need to come with an open mind in order for the session to be the most successful. Recordings are not permitted during session.
Return & Refund Policy.
Due to the nature of spell jar creation and custom artwork we do not accept returns. If you are unsatisfied with the results after 4 weeks of consistent use and external effort please contact us.
There are no refunds for readings or spiritual development sessions. If you need to reschedule your session, you must provide 24 hours’ notice, and this will only be accommodated one time. Cancelations will be charged a 25% non-refundable fee. No-shows will be charged the full amount of the service and will be unable to rebook appointments without approval.
Privacy Policy.
Anything discussed during mediumship sessions or for spell jar creation will be kept confidential by SeaWitch Holdings, LLC. No personal information will ever be shared for marketing purposes outside of SeaWitch Holdings, LLC.